Santa’s Little Helpers

(Excerpt from the video)

Single channel video with sound, 787 x 576, color

Length 3'25'' (Total Length: 9’00’’)


Santa’s Little Helpers


The video is shot in a small village in Zhejiang Province, (China) where 50% of the world’s Christmas decorations are made by hand. The family workshops were doing the ornaments all year along and the landscape had been littered with garbage. The video has been edited into a 9-minute video and screened it inside a small wooden box wrapped like a Christmas present, people only can see the secret from a small peep whole on the box.

(This work was part of Christ MASS Production – a site specific installation project)


Video installation, DVD and DVD player, LED screen, ribbon, wrapping paper, wood box and peep whole

Dimensions variable, 2007


尺寸可变, 2007